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Temperature Sensor


The temperature sensor is a way of measuring temperatures from a range of different interfaces that supports thermocouple sensors. The temperature sensor will output the temperature in degrees celsius based on the temperature level in processing and has a standard measurement tools for recording the temperature level.

To see the temperature measurement tools read more about them here:

Temperature Measurement


NameTemperature Sensor
Serial Number
Internal Number
Minimum output0.5 V
Range lower0 C
Sensitivity1.0 deg/deg
Calibration Date


Name specifies the name of the block.


Manufacturer is an optional specification you can write.


Model is an optional specification you can write.

Serial Number

Serial Number is an optional specification you can write.

Internal Number

Internal Number is an optional specification you can write.

Minimum output

Minimum output is the minimum current the sensor can output at the lower range

Range lower

Range lower is the lower limit of temperature level that the sensor can measure


Sensitivity is the input sensitivity of the temperature sensor. It is default 1.0 deg/deg, but can manually be changed dependent on your sensor

Calibration date

Calibration date is last date where the sensitivity has been changed